Yousria Bouchouche & EYEs for Fundraising
Algeria PFP Fellow Spring 2023
Yousria Bouchouche could not be delayed by jet lag nor a much deserved rest after landing back in Algeria off her Professional Fellows Program (PFP) experience in Washington, D.C. with Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF) in Spring 2023. From 15 June to 6 September 2023, Yousria partnered with the U.S. Embassy Algiers implementing her PFP follow-on project, “Empowering Young Entrepreneurs for Fundraising.” You could say she really opened up some EYEs for Fundraising!
Yousria designed an “Investment Readiness” curriculum divided into two phases that applied her technical skills and engaged her professional network. Next, she amplified the PFP’s economic empowerment mission out to her local community of budding entrepreneurs. Yousira facilitated a half-day workshop that attracted a diverse group of individuals from teens to mature professionals who were all current or aspiring entrepreneurs in the Algerian market. The workshop brought first-time visitors to the U.S. Embassy’s American Cultural Center Algiers, connecting participants to each other and to resources at the Center.

EYEs for Fundraising set out to raise awareness by educating young entrepreneurs on the importance of fundraising. Beyond that, Yousria’s project provided participants with inspiration and tools to keep working on their entrepreneurial goals. Over 40 participants left with new skills to grow their businesses, secure fund capital, and generate more value in the market. A new network of like-minded entrepreneurs and a realization of a resource space at the American Cultural Center Algiers will continue to multiply skills and nurture interests ignited by Yousria.
In the same way that Yousria wrapped up her PFP experience and jumped straight into her follow-on project, she plans to keep her momentum. Yousria is already planning future “Investment Readiness” workshops in collaboration with local organizations. Yousria is grateful for the experience with the Professional Fellows Program. The impact of PFP brought positive challenges her way that resulted in her personal and professional growth, and directly contributed to an opportunity to give back to her community.