Legacy International:

Celebrating the accomplishments of community leaders worldwide

Girls from around the world

Global Leaders in STEM

These young women are innovators and determined to make a difference!

group of people taking a selfie

Economic Empowerment

Trains and supports entrepreneurs throughout the MENA region.

girls writing on a whiteboard

Promoting Gender Parity

Legacy International is proud to be a champion of gender inclusivity and recognizes the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

boy sitting on a rock with a view of the forest in the background

Legacy's Vision for a Better World

Join us to support visionary leaders around the globe to implement the best transformational ideas.

Legacy International:

Celebrating the accomplishments of community leaders worldwide

Girls from around the world

Global Leaders in STEM

These young women are innovators and determined to make a difference!

group of people taking a selfie

Economic Empowerment

Trains and supports entrepreneurs throughout the MENA region.

Promoting Gender Parity

Legacy International is proud to be a champion of gender inclusivity and recognizes the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

boy sitting on a rock with a view of the forest in the background

Legacy's Vision for a Better World

Join us to support visionary leaders around the globe to implement the best transformational ideas.

Our Mission

Legacy International equips emerging leaders to transform their values and vision into sustainable success.

Get Updates and Invites!

Stay in the know about the latest events, new grants received, new friends made, events for alumni, interesting outcomes on participants, community news and world impacts.

Areas of Work

Economic Empowerment

At Legacy International we believe that the most effective and sustainable solutions come from strong civil society and social innovators.

Global Youth Programs

Legacy International’s programs combine cross-cultural experiences with highly effective leadership and dialogue training.

Peacebuilding and Dialogue

Legacy International offers training experiences that foster inter-ethnic, racial, and religious understanding among youths and young adults facing troubled circumstances.

STEM Education

TechGirls is an international summer exchange program designed to empower and inspire young women from around the world to pursue careers in science and technology.

Legacy International Programs: