On-Demand Youth Leadership Program: Cyprus - Digital Literacy

The On-Demand Youth Leadership Program (ODYLP): Cyprus - Digital Literacy is an initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA). It brings together a group of 18 (9 Greek Cypriot and 9 Turkish Cypriot) youth participants (ages 15-18) and two (one Greek Cypriot and one Turkish Cypriot) adult mentors (ages 25 and older) from Cyprus for a three-week, U.S.-based exchange focused on digital literacy and youth leadership.

This is a unique opportunity for high school students and educators!

ODYLP provides opportunities to:

  • become a strong leader who can make a difference in your community and country
  • use leadership skills to identify and seek solutions to pressing issues in your community
  • learn techniques to promote youth leadership and digital literacy
  • design and deliver community-based projects
  • meet and collaborate with American and Cypriot peers


Program Dates: August 11-30, 2024


Program Details

Part 1:

The program consists of 15 days in a U.S. host city, followed by five days in Washington D.C.

Days 1-2:

Arrive in the United States with a program orientation in host community.

Days 3-15:

Explore the host community and meet with organizations that promote youth leadership, address social justice issues, and focus on digital literacy & bi-communal collaborations; talk to leaders in programs addressing environmental concerns, poverty, food insecurity and youth workforce readiness and other issues; and be a guest of a U.S. host family to immerse yourself in American culture and enjoy their hospitality.

Day 15-20-:

Travel to Washington D.C., the capital of the United States. Visit the U.S Department of State, and engage in cultural and recreational activities.

Part 2:

Community-Based Project: Program Requirement (September to November): Following the U.S. experience, apply your skills to design and deliver a community-based project that helps educate peers and addresses a community issue (e.g. a peer education workshop or service project).

The application is now closed as of April 25, 2024

Eighteen (18) students and two (2) adult mentors will be competitively selected to participate. Semifinalists will be selected for interviews (late May/early June) and final notifications made in late June 2024.

US Flag and department of state seal

Legacy International Programs: