LivingSidebySide® Supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Legacy International was called on to participate in the “Baseline Assessment for Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific” Common Findings Report 2019 of the United Nations. LI was contacted due to its evidence-based peace education program, LivingSidebySide® that was implemented in 10 schools in southern Kyrgyzstan.
“The countries which took part of in the assessment include: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka and Tajikistan. Countries were selected based on their current fragile and conflict-affected situation status.
… the Baseline Assessment (BA) activities were aimed to support Sustainable Development Agenda’s Goals and its targets, specifically, SDG 4.7, supporting quality education through promoting a culture of peace and non-violence and SDG 5.5, ensuring women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision making in political, economic and public life”.
Legacy’s values, methodologies, and programs are aligned with UN efforts to build non-violent resilient communities for our sustainable development. The objectives of Disarmament Education (DE) are:
a. “To learn how to think rather than what to think about issues;
b. To develop critical thinking skills in an informed citizenry;
c. To deepen understanding of the multiple factors at the local, national, regional and global levels that either foster or undermine peace;
d. To encourage attitudes and actions which promote peace;
e. To convey relevant information on and to foster a responsive attitude to current and future security challenges through the development and widespread availability of improved methodologies and research techniques;
f. To bridge political, regional and technological divides by bringing together ideas, concepts, people, groups and institutions to promote concerted international efforts towards disarmament, non-proliferation and a peaceful and non-violent world;
g. To project at all levels the values of peace, tolerance, non-violence, dialogue and consultation as the basis for interaction among peoples, countries and civilizations.”[1]
[1] As outlined in the United Nations Study on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Education (A/57/124)