On Demand Youth Leadership Program: Climate Adaptation and Resilience
The On-Demand Youth Leadership Program (YLP): Climate Adaptation and Resilience is an initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), administered by Legacy International, that brings together approximately 20 youth participants (ages 15-18) and adult mentors from Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda, and the United States, together for a three-week U.S.-based exchange focused on climate change, adaptation and resiliency methods.
Unique Opportunity for High School Students from Pensacola, Florida
Become a cultural and environmental diplomat!
- Join a U.S. Department of State Exchange Program as a host in Pensacola, Florida
- Between April 13-28, 2023 spend 10-12 hours a week collaborating with and hosting selected youths from Africa in your community
- Explore ways to mitigate the effects of climate change
- Gain leadership skills and expand your cultural knowledge base
- April 29-May 3, 2023 enjoy 4 days in Washington D.C. meeting environmental leaders.
Application closed February 19th.

How to Apply:
Is there a cost?
There is no application fee. The United States Government will pay for all travel to and from Washington D.C., and all program-related costs in your community and in Washington D.C., including hotel and meals and other incidentals
Five (5) students will be selected to participate
Application is closed as of February 19th
Semifinalists will be selected for interviews and final notifications made by end of February