On-Demand Youth Leadership Program: Digital Literacy
The On-Demand Youth Leadership Program (ODYLP): Digital Literacy is an initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), administered by Legacy International, that brings together approximately 24 youth participants (ages 15-18) and adult mentors from Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and the United States together for a three-week U.S.-based exchange focused on digital literacy and the use of social media to address community issues.
ODYLP Digital Literacy empowers participants to:
- become strong leaders who can make a difference in their countries
- use leadership skills to identify and seek solutions to pressing global and community issues
- learn how digital technologies and social media can help educate and inspire others
- design and deliver community-based projects
- meet with American peers and professionals who use digital tools to promote citizen engagement in positive ways
Program Dates: November 1-21, 2023
Program Details
Part 1:
Three-week exchange in the USA in November 2023. The program consists of 17 days in Seattle, Washington followed by five days in Washington D.C.
Days 1-2:
You will arrive in Seattle and receive an orientation from Legacy staff. You will meet your host organization and your US peer Cultural Ambassadors. You will receive an overview of the program , introductory youth leadership training, and do plenty of fun team-building exercises! In addition, you will do some sight-seeing and get acquainted with Seattle, which will be your home for the next several days.
Days 3-16:
Your group will explore the host community and meet with organizations that use digital media to promote active citizenship and democratic principles through storytelling, audiovisual techniques, engaging campaigns, and facts-based approaches. You will talk to leaders in the digital literacy space and learn about the power of social media to spark civic discourse and to create positive youth activism. During this period of time, you will also be a guest of a U.S. host family to immerse yourself in American culture and enjoy our hospitality.
Day 17-21:
You will travel to Washington D.C., the Capital of the United States, and discover advanced ideas and actions related to digital literacy that are empowering American communities to be responsible media producers and consumers. You will visit some of Washington’s most popular attractions, and you will also receive training and learn about the expectations of your follow-up community-based project.
Part 2:
Community-Based Project: Program Requirement (December to February): Following the U.S. experience, apply your skills to design and deliver a community-based project that helps educate peers and addresses a community issue (e.g. a peer education workshop or service project).