On-Demand Youth Leadership Program: Cyprus - Digital Literacy

Adult Mentor Application

The On-Demand Youth Leadership Program (ODYLP): Cyprus - Digital Literacy is an initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA). It brings together a group of 18 (9 Greek Cypriot and 9 Turkish Cypriot) youth participants (ages 15-18) and two (one Greek Cypriot and one Turkish Cypriot) adult mentors (ages 25 and older) from Cyprus for a three-week, U.S.-based exchange focused on digital literacy and youth leadership.

This is a unique opportunity for educators!


Adult Mentor – Program Experience and Role

  • The adult mentors will gain new skills in youth leadership development and community engagement as they travel to the United States with the group and help facilitate learning.
  • They will guide young leaders through a six-month experience (June-November) starting with pre-program orientation and culminating in the implementation of community-based projects.
  • The selected candidate will be trained to facilitate and assist youth as they complete community-based projects, and they will assist with all logistical arrangements in the country to ensure selected students complete paperwork and all necessary items to be ready to participate.
  • During the community-based project phase, the adult educator will mentor specific individual and student pairings as well as develop projects and lesson plans for their colleagues or youth groups.  They will help students participate in monthly virtual check -ins and coaching sessions with the Legacy team.

Adult Selection Criteria

  • Be 25 years or older as of March 1, 2024;
  • Be a citizen of Cyprus;
    • Must be able to fly in and out of Larnaca airport
    • Be living in Cyprus at the time of the exchange and during the follow-on component;
  • Have proficiency in English;
  • Have experience teaching or working with teenage youth around the themes of leadership and/or digital literacy;
  • Have demonstrated strong leadership skills;
  • Have a sincere interest in bi-communal collaboration and digital literacy initiatives; and
  • Be willing to offer instructional support, coordinate logistics and commit to the continued mentorship of youth participants through the community project phase.

Please note that preference will be given to individuals who...

  • have not previously traveled to the United States.
  • have not participated in any in-person ECA-funded program in the United States within the past three years or accepted a scholarship for an impending U.S. Government-funded exchange program.
  • Individuals with dual U.S. citizenship and family members of U.S. Embassy or Consulate staff, or U.S. Department of State employees are not eligible for this program.  

There is no application fee.

The United States Government will pay for all travel to and from the United States, program-related costs and other incidentals.

Applications will be accepted between March 27, 2024 to April 25, 2024 at noon Eastern Daylight Time (19:00 Cyprus Time).  Semifinalists will be selected for interviews (late May/early June) and final notifications made in late June 2024.


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Legacy International Programs: