Commitment to Inclusion
Legacy International’s commitment to inclusion stems from our core values and our mission. It requires that we draw on the full contributions of all parts of society, including groups typically marginalized from political and economic power, such as women, youth, people with disabilities, indigenous people, LGBTQ+ persons, and racial, religious and ethnic minorities. Inclusion strengthens our programs by providing us with diverse points of view, skill sets and additional methods of program management and measurement.
To encourage inclusion and diversity, we:
Create programs to advance the full participation of historically marginalized people into the political, social, and economic lives of their societies
More fully integrate and mainstream inclusion principles into our programs in other issues
Perform a role as a thought leader and spokesperson for inclusion issues
Ensure our own commitment to inclusion in our employment and operating practices.

Legacy International seeks to include person with disabilities in all of its activities. We have established partnerships with Mobility International USA (MIUSA) as well as with disabled persons’ organizations (DPO’s) in several countries to create stronger linkages for global programs around disability inclusion.