Partner with us

Success begins with collaboration. Over our 45+ year history, we are honored to have so many good-willed people join our efforts during our exchange programs. Below is a list of partnering opportunities.

U.S Speakers and Specialists Programs

Since its beginning in 1979, Legacy International has established Teams of Excellence ™ (subject matter experts who act as trainers, mentors, and fellowship hosts), and has a long track record of selecting strong US speakers and trainers who work directly with and provide professional development to foreign nationals in the US and other nations.  In the past 45 years, Legacy has organized speaker visits and outbound delegations from the U.S. with the support of the U.S. Department of State to central, southern, and southeast Asia (India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan); Europe (Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Greece, Spain, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine);  and the Near East and North Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Tunisia,  Turkey, and Saudi Arabia).

Legacy’s global network of well-placed and highly respected young professionals and social entrepreneurs in governmental and non-governmental sectors are a springboard for program expansion and scalable project models.

Professional Fellows Program – Host organizations

For over 45 years Legacy’s staff and associated Fellowship hosts have welcomed international entrepreneurs in the workplace,  designed programs that are culturally sensitive and practical, with an evidenced based approach toward improving lives. These experiences increase the potential for success while helping to build capacity of local communities.

Partners help build capacity of leaders on 0+ organizations and create substantial social impact

Moroccan Public health program reduced dysentery in one village from 56% to 17% in 6 weeks.

82% increase in productivity and new services for 212 Russian and Ukrainian business entrepreneurs.

Moroccan Legislative Fellow wins the Access Innovation award for training Women Parliamentarians using social media as a tool for political empowerment.

150 young women gain tools to support other women in dialogue on domestic violence in Egypt.

Ukraine NGOs deliver effective campaigns for grassroots legal education, anti-corruption measures, and increasing adoption rates.

One woman leader in Kyrgyzstan trained 16 others that brought people from eight villages with prior history of conflict together for peace building.

Over 200 Indonesian students and teachers coordinate community development projects affecting 4000 people.

Over 200 Iraqi youth and youth workers develop leadership and dialogue skills resulting in more secure and stable local communities.

Legislative Fellows in Egypt participate in drafting a new Constitution.

Share Your Expertise

Become a citizen diplomat - offer trainings, become a site visit host, lead a service project, hold a networking event, open your home for a meal or weekend visit, be a job shadow host, or become a 4 week fellowship host.

Legacy International Programs: