Countering Violent Extremism by Investing in Youth as Partners

Join us on Thursday August 27th, 2020 for the next Global Viewpoints Forum with Ahlem Nasraoui. She will be speaking about her work within the Young Leaders Entrepreneurs and sharing experiences and work tools from three projects (Unleash, Peace Lab, and Peaceathon). She will give tips on building peace in vulnerable communities while engaging youth as partners.
Ms. Nasraoui is an accomplished leader and influencer in inclusive engagement of youth at risk and marginalized groups. Working towards fostering connections among CSOs, NGOs, and the public and private sectors in the MENA region. Ms. Nasraoui has over seven years of work experience, including leadership management within Tunisian civil society, where she founded Young Leaders Entrepreneurs an NGO focusing on youth entrepreneurship, hackathons, and boot-camps to support the Tunisian democratic transition. Ms. Nasraoui brings experience in project management, planning, budgeting, and executing logistics and campaigning processes. Currently, She is working with the U.S. Department of State’s Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) and has collaborated with the U.S. Embassy in Tunis. She has extensive experience in implementing youth and inclusion focused projects, including the Peace Lab Project, and PEACEATHON, which incorporated: Mobility, Digital Media, and Fine Arts in countering extremist narratives. Ms. Nasraoui is advancing social enterprise and entrepreneurial spirit as a strategy for addressing gender inequality and building resilience against violent extremism. As a member of the Women’s Alliance for Security Leadership (WASL), Ms. Nasraoui was chosen as one of the U.S. State Department’s top ten youth leaders in 2016 as part of the Emerging Young Leaders Award. Ms. Nasraoui has been invited to act as a contributor to high profile events focusing on inclusion and peacebuilding, including seminars hosted by the World Bank Fragility Forum, European Peace Liaison Office, Search for Common Ground, and the Hidaya Institute. In 2016, She has been awarded the UNOAC and BMW Group Intercultural Innovation Award for her initiative Unleash Tunisian Venture Bus. In 2019, She was selected among the Top 100 Most Influential Youth Leaders in Africa. She is an Arabic native speaker and speaks both French and English Fluently.